Knit One Purl One

Knit One Purl One

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Scarf Story

I love scarves! A lot! In winter I wear one every day and sometimes in summer too!
But, would you believe it, so far I haven't knit a single one for myself. Ever! Sure, I made a short one for my son to match his hat and mittens, but I shied away from 'the big size'. I just assumed it would take forever and I'd run out of yarn (I'm notorious for that, by the way, just ask Pam at Never Enough Yarn).

So, last summer we spent a week on Chappaquiddick with my sister-in-law and her family and, naturally, we had to check out the local yarn store. I immediately saw a scarf on display there that I liked.

And I picked out the yarn: Angel, by Debbie Bliss and Cascade Yarns Jewel in Charcoal.
I didn't get to start it till Fall, though, and when I looked at the two yarns together I changed my mind and bought a different worsted weight yarn at the Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival in September. It was perfect! On a side note, this is a wonderful festival to check out if you are in the area! There is lots to see and learn for kids as well!
I already blogged about the scarf's progress in my last post, so I won't go into detail again. It took me longer than I thought but it turned out wonderful! See for yourself!

Meanwhile my dear friend's birthday came up in March and I wanted to surprise her with a cowl. She just discovered them last winter and choosing yarn was easy. I knit her the honeycomb cowl in Madelintosh SteamAge. What great yarn to work with! I loved every stitch, so much that I looked forward to working on it and of course I finished it all too soon! Needless to say my friend loved it! And the credit for those two photos goes to her as well:

I liked this pattern so much that I have another cowl on my needles currently. So, stay tuned for more scarves... The next winter is coming! ;)