Knit One Purl One

Knit One Purl One

Saturday, July 14, 2012

What do monkeys eat all day?

That was a question my 5- year old asked me the other day, pointing to his stuffed little monkey.

Well, the answer was determined pretty quickly: Bananas! And then we needed a solution, seeing as he has all kinds of play (pretend) food, but no bananas. I was already sewing something, so I told him if he drew one on paper we'd make one out of felt!! And we did- following his template!

The template and the finished banana

Happy monkey!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Wrist warmers

For all those of you that have been wondering what I have been up to: I have knit 4 pairs of those, just to turn around and give them to my son's preschool teachers at the end of the year.

I just made another pair to try out a color combination (pale pink and bright green)

 and I am working on one pair right now, where I am making up the pattern as I go along.